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Title : Quadram Institute distinguishes between Arabica and Robusta coffee
Author(s) :
Source : FoodNavigator.com
Year : 2018
Link : https://www.foodnavigator.com/Article/2018/05/17/Quadram-Institute-distinguishes-between-Arabica-and-Robusta-coffee
Country : United Kingdom
Commodity: PP-Coffee
Abstract: Arabica coffee trades at up to twice the price of Robusta due to taste and because Robusta plants are higher yielding and easier to grow. Distinguishing between the two is difficult when they have been roasted and ground. Identification relies on chemical analysis of different compounds in the coffee to get information about molecular composition of a sample. The current standard analytical technique focuses on 16-O-methylcafestol (16-OMC) in Robusta but not Arabica. However, the method is expensive and takes three days.