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Title : Obama calls for a crackdown on "seafood fraud" and illegal fishing
Author(s) :
Source : Vox
Year : 2018
Link : https://www.vox.com/2014/6/17/5818388/the-obama-administration-wants-to-crack-down-on-seafood-fraud
Country : United States of America
Commodity: SE SeaFood-All
Abstract: On Tuesday, the White House asked federal agencies to crack down harder on both "seafood fraud" and illegally-caught fish imported into the United States. A surprising amount of seafood may be mislabeled or caught illegally overseas This didn't get nearly as much attention as Obama's proposal for a vastly expanded marine reserve in the Pacific, but it's worth a closer look. The move came after a couple of recent studies finding that a surprising amount of seafood sold in the US may be either mislabeled or imported illegally from abroad. The first problem can mislead consumers.