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Title : Honey laundering a counterfeit tale of pipeline persistence
Author(s) :
Source : Western Farm Press
Year : 2017
Link : http://www.westernfarmpress.com/blog/one-honey-heist-rule-them-all
Country : United States of America
Commodity: AP-Honey and royal jelly
Abstract: When one honey processor rejects you — try, try again. Chin up, steady on, rest assured, persistence pays in the billions in the honey laundering industry. A massive void in the U.S. market stirs the honey laundering pot. Americans consume 400 million pounds of honey each year — either directly or in baked and processed goods. With U.S. manufacturers only able to serve up 150 million tons annually, counterfeiters have been leaping pell-mell through the gaping 250-million pound deficit hole.