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Title : Watch How the Mafia Is Corrupting the Italian Olive Oil Industry
Author(s) :
Source : Eater
Year : 2017
Link : https://www.eater.com/2016/1/5/10718096/italian-olive-oil-fraud-video-60-minutes
Country : Italy
Commodity: FO-Olive oil
Abstract: Extra-virgin olive oil, which comes from the first pressing of the olive harvest, is prized by chefs and food lovers across the globe for its rich, fruity flavor and vibrant green color. But there's currently a dark shadow hanging over Italy's lucrative olive oil industry: fraud. CBS's 60 Minutes recently explored how the olive oil business has been corrupted by the Mafia; it's so widespread — bringing in an estimated $16 billion a year— that Italians have a special word for it, Agromafia. It's estimated that as much as 80 percent of extra-virgin olive oil sold in the States doesn't meet the legal requirements to actually be called extra-virgin; much of it is diluted with cheaper olive oils from elsewhere in the Mediterranean, and sometimes it's even a cheaper product like sunflower oil that's been colored and scented. Thankfully, 60 Minutes producer Guy Campanile has some tips on how to avoid being duped by pseudo-extra virgin olive oil.