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Title : ‘Please pass the honey, Honey’
Author(s) :
Source : Jacksonville Daily Progress
Year : 2018
Link : http://www.jacksonvilleprogress.com/opinion/please-pass-the-honey-honey/article_8056b9d0-4d49-11e8-a6d0-cb54bc1f04ae.html
Country : World
Commodity: AP-Honey and royal jelly
Abstract: In September of 2013 a story broke which would turn out to be the single largest incident of food fraud in our nation’s history. Who would have thought that it would involve a product as innocent and seemingly wholesome as honey? It’s no secret that food packaging can be misleading. But how could honey be the subject of an $80 million food import scandal that shook honey production and food processing industries? Chinese honey imports are banned due to frequent adulteration with antibiotics.