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Title : 20 Brazilian meat export plants banned by EU
Author(s) :
Source : Irish Farmers Journal
Year : 2018
Link : http://www.farmersjournal.ie/20-brazilian-meat-export-plants-banned-by-eu-365196
Country : Brazil
Commodity: AP-Meat and edible offal
Abstract: Member States have voted to delist 20 Brazilian meat establishments from exporting meat to the EU. Twenty Brazilian meat plants have been delisted by the EU following on from detected flaws in Brazil’s official control system. The 20 plants currently export meat and meat products, mainly poultry, to the EU. Delisting the 20 plants will see their authorisation to export to the EU removed. Once the measure to delist the plants is published in the Official Journal of the EU, it will take 15 days before their authorisation to export is removed.